92 Main St, Ashland, ME 04732 Phone: (207) 435-6213 Contact Us

Experience the Tradition of the North Maine Woods!

Experience the Tradition of the North Maine Woods!

Experience the Tradition of the North Maine Woods!

Experience the Tradition of the North Maine Woods!

Our online brochure is also available here in pdf format! (File Size Approximately 35MB)

Welcome to North Maine Woods

NMW is one of Maine's most unique regions which provides remote recreational opportunities and supports our natural resource based economy. In this magazine, you'll find tips for a safe trip and learn more about forest resource management.

Welcome to the North Maine Woods - Multiple Ownership - Multiple Use Management Area. The private forest landowners and state governmental agencies cooperating in this program are pleased you have chosen to visit our web site. It is designed to help you have a safe and pleasant trip in the area, plus provide you with valuable information on forest resource management and recreational use.

The area provides numerous outdoor recreational opportunities for over 100,000 visitors each year while at the same time providing renewable forest resources which are a major part of Maine's economy. Harvesting wood products and providing recreation are compatible if managed properly. Providing proper management of day use and camping is the main goal of the North Maine Woods organization.

Jo Mary Checkpoint phone has been restored.

If you would like to make a reservation, please call 723-8944.
We ask that you please be patient when calling as we are sure the phones will be very busy!!


As of 12/20/24:  The following list of BULLETED roads are expected to be plowed until harvest contracts are fulfilled:  Please note that this list is subject to change and updates will be made periodically as additional roads are confirmed for plowing.

Golden Road to Telos to Chamberlain Bridge (KFM)

  • Golden Road to St. Zacherie border crossing (Huber)
  • Ragmuff Rd (Huber)
  • Caocomgomoc Rd (Huber) until mid/late January only

Chamberlain Bridge to Pinkham Road junction (KFM)

  • Pinkham Road from 522 Road to Ashland  (7I)
  • Caucomgomoc Rd (EJ Carrier)

Chamberlain Bridge to Trans Canada Rd up to intersection of Edmond Roy (KFM)

  • Edmond Roy Road from St. Juste Road to Trans Canada (7I)
  • 490 Road by 5th St. John to Baker Lake Road
  • Baker Rd from St Aurelie border to mile 31 (TS)
  • Wadleigh Pond Rd from Baker north 6 miles to the Nsarrow Pond Rd/St Juste Road intersection
  • Brailey Brook Rd from the intersection of the Baker south to mile 6 (TS)
  • Poulin Road from Thoroughfare Brook to Realty Road (Landvest) Open until end of January
  • Juste Connector from St. Juste Road to Realty Road (7I)
  • Bills Rd from Cyr Rd to Edmond Roy Rd. (7I)
  • Cyr Road from Connector Rd to St. Juste Road (Landvest)
  • Connector Rd from Cyr Rd to 522 Rd. (7I)
  • Robinson Rd from Blanchet to Estcourt (7I)
  • Robichaud Rd (Irv)
  • Robichaud Shortcut (Irv)
  • Camp 106 Rd (Irv)
  • Estcourt Rd from 17 Mile to the Blanchet Rd (Irv)
  • Rocky Brook Rd to the Blanchet Rd (Irv)
  • St. Francis Rd to the Rocky Brook Rd (Irv)

From 522 Road over Johns Bridge to Thoroughfare Brook (7I)


Indian Pond Road towards

Blanchet Rd from Rocky to Realty Rd. 

Lock Dam/Eagle Lake

  • Rocky Brook Road from Portage to the St. Francis connection and to the intersection with the Blanchette Road by Musquacook Stream. (Irving)
  • 17 Rd to Old Poulin Rd (7I)
  • Old Poulin Rd to Ross Mtn. (7I)
  • Ross Mountain Rd to St. Just Connector (7I)
  • Juste connector to St Juste Rd (7I)
  • Robinson Road from Blanchet to Estcourt/Irving Road (7I)
  • Estcourt Road mile 0-18 Mile (Landvest)
  • Realty Road from Ashland to Pratt Lake
  • Realty 43 mile to 17-Mile Rd. (Landvest)
  • Musquacook corner past Clayton Lake towards St. John River (Landvest)
  • Pamphile to St. John River Bridge (Blanchet)
  • Clayton Lake to St. Pamphile via 17 Mile and Boulevard Road. (Landvest)
  • Francis Road from St. Francis to the Rocky Brook Road (Irving)
  • From Realty Road by 2nd Musquacook to Blanchette Road (Landvest) Open to pickup traffic

Jack Mountain Road to Island Pond Road (7I)

Island Pond Road to Smith Brook Road (7I)

Smith Brook Road to Pell & Pell Road (7I)

  • 20 Mile Rd from Craig Camp Rd to Pinkham Rd (7I)

522 Road to Connecter Road from the Pell& Pell Road end. (7I)

Pell& Pell Road to 522 Road will be plowed (7I)

  • Pell & Pell Road to Churchill Dam (Landvest)
  • Churchill Dam and Harrow Lake (Landvest)

Depot Lake road from St. Pamphile to Daaquam Road  – (Huber)

Carter Road/Little Brailey Road (Huber)

  • Baker Lake Road (Landvest)
  • St. Francis Lake Road (Landvest)

Blackstone Road (Irving)

Beaver Brook Road (7I)

St. Croix Road (Irving)

McClusky Brook Road from Thoroughfare Brook to Churchill Dam. (Landvest)

Oxbow Road from Oxbow to Pinkham Road

Ragmuff Road by Caucomgomoc to St. Juste

Craigville Road to Pinkham Road (Daaquam Lumber)

Chase Brook Road from Pinkham to Jack Mountain

522 Road north From Pell & Pell Road junction to Churchill Dam

From Blanchette/St. Pamphile Road north across Big Black River to junction of Robinson Rd

Island Pond Road to Pell & Pell

Hewes Brook Road from Rocky Brook Road to St. Francis

The Inn Road from Allagash to Schedule Brook

Duck Pond Road

Grand Lake Road

Camp Violette Road

Driving Safely on Privately Owned Forest Roads

All roads within the North Maine Woods are privately built and owned primarily for the purpose of managing and moving forest products.
The private landowners are willing to share their roads with members of the general public in order to visit the region’s many lakes and ponds and other natural resources.


  • Travel with extreme caution on all logging roads.
  • Travel at posted speeds but no more than 45 miles per hour.
  • Use a MURS radio to monitor and call out mile markers to on-coming truck traffic
  • Keep to the right when approaching a corner or cresting a hill.
  • When approaching active equipment near the roadside wait for acknowledgement from equipment operators before proceeding to pass.

Thank you!!!


Maine Moose & Winter Ticks

(Click on link below for information and current status of Maine’s moose population)

GPS-enabled Dog Tracking Systems are Creating a Safety Concern for Landowners.  Corrective Action is Required for these Devices to be Allowed Use Within the NMW Region.

If you are using a GPS-enabled dog tracking device such as the Garmin Astro or Garmin Alpha tracking system, be advised that the collars for these systems operate on the same MURS (Multi-Use Radio Service) frequencies used by logging trucks for monitoring road traffic.  These collars create audible interference on truck radios that are within range of a collar operating on the same MURS frequency (i.e. channel).  The 5 frequencies used by the MURS radio and Garmin systems are:

MURS Channel 1 = 151.820 Mhz / MURS Channel 2 = 151.880 Mhz / MURS Channel 3 = 151.940 Mhz

MURS Channel 4 = 154.570 Mhz / MURS Channel 5 = 154.600 Mhz

The first four frequencies (channels 1-4) are used primarily for monitoring road traffic with each road system in the NMW region being assigned a specific MURS channel.  MURS Channel 5 has been designated as an acceptable channel for dog collars to operate on.

It is important that you make sure your dog(s) collars are operating on MURS channel 5, and by no means should a collar be operating on a channel used by the road system you are hunting or traveling on.  To check what channel your dog’s collar has been programmed to operate on, you will need to check the channel number (Alpha system) or Dog ID (Astro system) assigned to the collar by using the following information:

ALPHA SYSTEM:  The first number of the Alpha channel (followed by a Dash Number) indicates which MURS channel the dog collar is using.  For example:  3-29 indicates MURS channel 3 is being utilized, 1-18 indicates MURS channel 1, 2-7 is channel 2, etc.  Therefore anyone using the Alpha system should have a 5 as the first number for that collar.

ASTRO SYSTEM:  The Astro system assigns an ID number (0-49) as opposed to using a channel number like the Alpha system, but the MURS frequency can be determined from the ID number by using the following chart:

Dog ID Number 0-9 (151.820 Mhz)       =   MURS Channel 1
Dog ID Number 10-19 (151.880 Mhz)   =   MURS Channel 2
Dog ID Number 20-29 (151.940 Mhz)   =   MURS Channel 3
Dog ID Number 30-39 (154.570 Mhz)   =   MURS Channel 4
Dog ID Number 40-49 (154.600 Mhz)   =   MURS Channel 5

Collars that are not operating on the proper channel will need to be manually assigned to channel 5 (Alpha) or a Dog ID Number from 40 to 

49 (Astro).  Please consult your owner’s manual on how to do this manually or contact the NMW office (435-6213) for assistance. 

How to change Dog ID on Garmin Alpha tracking collars

Garmin Alpha Interface

Turn on both collar and handheld. Collar must be paired with handheld to change ID

Select “Dog List”
Select dog/collar in question
Select “Show Info”
On this screen one of the boxes will say ID and have a number like 2-3, 1-25, etc. If the collar does not have an ID starting with 5-…, then it needs to be changed. Garmin collars transmit on MURS channels so 1-4 correspond to MURS channels 1-4 used for communication and safety on logging roads.
Select the 3 bars at bottom menu on the screen.

Select “Change ID”
Scroll to a 5-… number and select. Keep in mind to not choose same ID as hunting partners or other dogs in hunting party, there are about 20 options under the 5 codes.
When ID is changed unit will say “Dog (or dog name) collar is set”, press OK
Your tracking collar is now set to a frequency that will not interfere with communication used by truck drivers for road safety.

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